Found out today that my soon to be ex-husband got deployed.� This is a major complication for me. While he is deployed I cannot divorce him which could mean an extra year of waiting.� To make things worse all my furniture is sitting in an apartment that is going to be demolished in May.� Last time I spoke to him I asked him to send me my computer and winter clothes for my daughter and myself. He said he would send them to me the following month which was September.� He said he didnapos;t have any extra money at that time because he had to buy extra stuff for work.� I should have known something was up then since the only time he has to buy extra stuff is before a deployment.� When he goes on deployment he is usually far from danger doing maintanance on copters.� Right now I donapos;t know what to do, who to contact, and when if ever iapos;ll be able to get divorced.�
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