пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I stalked her on myspace and decided that she is a total downgrade, with a horse mouth,�bad taste in music,�stringy hair, and awful tattoos. Sometimes its hard to think about you and how i used to be in love with you and how you called me apos;peachesapos; and how you always made fun of me for falling into your hamper..especially now, now that iapos;m pmsapos;ing and want to go on a murderous rampage and then eat my weight in chocolate.�in the long run,�i am proud of myself for letting you go i am a much happier person.�class sucked tremendously today i wanted to rip out my uterus and chuck it across the room at my cute old�little professor who was blabbing on about grids and lighting techniques. Iapos;m feeling rather morbid right now i want to take a nap and i want my chin to stop hurting and just fucking heal already. Spooning always feels good, especially if its with brady..drunk ass brady who is a really genuine person just a little extreme when heapos;s drunk. Mike seriously just spare my sanity and call me already. I canapos;t wait to start working, i canapos;t wait to hold that first paycheck, i canapos;t wait to buy a bag of weed with that first paycheck and get really stoned. Iapos;ve decided to start rolling my own cigarettes and iapos;ve also decided that iapos;m in love with wes anderson and his amazing movies. Canapos;t wait to move into a different apartment. Canapos;t wait to graduate. Canapos;t wait to leave this country. Canapos;t wait to have a kitty.

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